PFLAG Cambridge
Welcome to the Cambridge, WI chapter of PFLAG.
PFLAG is the first and largest organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) people, their parents and families, and allies. PFLAG Cambridge serves the Southeastern areas of Wisconsin. All members of the LGBTQ+ community, their families, and allies are welcome to join our monthly meetings to learn more.
Who is PFLAG?
We are your family, friends, and neighbors.
PFLAG was founded in 1973 after a mother publicly supported her gay son. The first formal meeting took place at a church on March 11, 1973. Since that moment PFLAG has grown to over 400 chapters across the nation, all with the aim of supporting LGBTQ+ people and their parents, families, and allies.
PFLAG Cambridge is one chapter of the PFLAG family. We are a volunteer organization made of community members that provides peer to peer support, education, and advocacy. We represent the Southeastern areas of Wisconsin. Our area is comprised of mostly small town and rural communities. Please contact us for more information.

Our Activities In 2023
PFLAG is about offering peer support, education, and advocacy. And this is a summary of how we put those ideals into action this last year.
In 2023 we hosted meetings on a lot of great subjects. We started 2023 off with a meeting on self-love and religion. In another meeting we talked about intersectionality and identified how each of us is unique. One meeting focused on how we can create LGBTQIA safe places in work and recreational spaces. We hosted a meeting on advocating as a nonprofit and how PFLAG advocates for its mission statement. During July, which is Disability Pride month, we talked about the challenges faced by LGBTQIA folks with disabilities. Another meeting focused on getting back to school and supporting our kids and our schools. Thank you to our speakers for sharing their expertise and experiences with us!
We also saw some sad and upsetting things in 2023. Our local community experienced an anti-LGBTQIA demonstration in Veteran’s Park. At our monthly meeting, held that very evening, we spent time processing this loss of safety and sense of community in our hometown. Then we planned. We wrote a letter to the editor reminding everyone that we continue to support our LGBTQIA friends, family, and loved ones. We also worked to create an emergency call (message) tree of people who can reach out to community members in real time, warn them to keep their kids away from hateful displays, and even counter-protest if able and available.
We also submitted testimony to Fair Wisconsin this fall when several state bills were introduced (or were in committee) which, if passed, were designed to dehumanize our trans and non-binary loved ones and punish medical personnel providing gender affirming care. We spoke out against the bills known as SB 480 (a medical care ban), SB 479 (allowing doctors who provide gender affirming care to be subject to civil action), AB 378 (the college athlete ban), AB 377 (the K-12 athlete ban), and AB 465 (the medical care ban). When Fair Wisconsin asked for testimony, we responded. And we will continue to advocate on behalf of the marginalized populations we hold close to our hearts.
Pride is about hard-won self-acceptance and community love. Pride is about celebrating who we are in the face of ongoing efforts to dehumanize us. While 2023 included challenges, at the same time there was an outpouring of positive feelings as Cambridge embraced its first ever pride celebration. Pride Storm was held on October 1st, hosted by Cash & Olive’s in Cambridge. PFLAG Cambridge attended Pride Storm and had a table with information and handouts. We talked to many people from neighboring communities and handed out a lot pride flags! We are proud to be a part of this new tradition.
Lastly, we used our platform to share resources and support on our Facebook page. This included voting information, articles from NAMI, articles from the Wisconsin LGBTQ History Project, Wisconsin LGBT Chamber of Commerce, and various local LGBTQIA related events.
We look forward to an active 2024!